

D-G Review, Harassment and Sector Target Preparation Webinars September to November 2022

Join leading EE expert, Adv Jan Munnik, in a series of weekly webinars, starting 14 September 2022, aimed at ensuring that your organisation is fully compliant, and approaches and implements EE differently to minimise the risk of being fined 2% turnover, being held vicariously liable for acts of Harassment by employees, or, once Sector targets are law, losing State Contracts or being precluded from including MC in their B-BBEE scorecards.

Each of the 10 webinar covers a different aspect of Employment Equity.

Contact sales@seifsa.co.za to receive a discount when you book two or more webinars.


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The Employment Equity Webinar Series Solution


D-G Review, Harassment and Sector Target Preparation Webinars September to November 2022

Join leading EE expert, Adv Jan Munnik, in a series of weekly webinars, starting 21 September 2022, aimed at ensuring that your organisation is fully compliant, and approaches and implements EE differently to minimise the risk of being fined 2% turnover, being held vicariously liable for acts of Harassment by employees, or, once Sector targets are law, losing State Contracts or being precluded from including MC in their B-BBEE scorecards.

Each of the 10 webinar covers a different aspect of Employment Equity.

21 September 2022

The EE Act Amendment Bill and Sector Targets – recap of employers’ EE obligations. Where are we in the process? What will employers have to start doing differently? Introduction to other webinars in the series.

28 September 2022

Ensuring compliance with the Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Harassment in the Workplace.

05 October 2022

Properly preparing your Workforce Profile and all other data required for the setting of EE Goals for your EE Plan.

12 October 2022

How to conduct a value-adding Barrier Analysis that is going to pass D-G Reviews, accelerate EE transformation in the workplace, and advance the achievement of Sector Targets.

19 October 2022

The development of meaningful Affirmative Action (AA) Measures that are going to accelerate EE transformation in the workplace and advance the achievement of Sector Targets.

29 October 2022

How to set achievable EE Numerical Goals that comply with Sector Target Requirements: For small or large organisations with subsidiaries/divisions and regional operations/offices across South Africa.

02 November 2022

Developing a user-friendly and practical EE Plan that eases implementation.

09 November 2022

Developing the systems and processes necessary satisfy DoE&L inspectors of reasonable progress being made towards transformation, for the achievement of Sector Targets or the furnishing of justifiable reasons for non-compliance that will stand up in Court.

16 November 2022

How to effectively monitor and evaluate your EE Plan and its implementation to advance the achievement of Sector Targets.

23 November 2022

Preparing your EEA2 and amended EEA4 Reports


Duration: Half day



Adv. JAN MUNNIK is the founder and Managing Director of EES-SIYAKHA. Jan has specialised in EE for the past 21 years and is regarded as one of the leading experts in EE transformation in South Africa. He has delivered papers at many conferences on EE and BEE and related topics and consults to several leading blue-chip organisations and Government institutions.



Tel: 011 298 9400

Email: sales@seifsa.co.za

Additional information



21 September 2022, 28 September 2022, 05 October 2022, 12 October 2022, 19 October 2022, 26 October 2022, 02 November 2022, 09 November 2022, 16 November 2022, 23 November 2022


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