Kindly be advised that the Unemployment Insurance Amendment Bill was passed in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on 22 November 2016. The Bill was discussed at Nedlac during 2013.

In summary, the Bill contains the following aspects:

  • Increases UIF benefits from 238 to 365 days;
  • Increases maternity leave benefits to 66% , which will no longer be deducted from the mother’s unemployment insurance benefit;
  • Covers workers who lost working hours due to reduced time at their work places;
  • Includes public servants under the UIF, who will thus be covered in the event of dismissal , and includes women who had miscarriages during the third trimester or a still- born birth;
  • Allows the family and/ or nominated beneficiary of a deceased claimant to receive their benefits;
  • Prohibits the charging of fees by any party (e.g. agency) to a UIF claimant for helping them submit their claims.

The process to pass this legislation is long overdue. SEIFSA is pleased with the adjustments to the structure of the UIF benefits, such as maternity leave improvements, longer claim periods for the unemployed, and fewer restrictions for beneficiaries to access unemployment insurance.

Kindly find the Unemployment Insurance Amendment Bill attached for your information.