Members will be aware that the bargaining council has issued a certificate of non-resolution confirming that the dispute declared by NUMSA against SEIFSA (representing member Associations), NEASA, SAEFA and the CEO remains unresolved.

The issuing of this certificate opens the way for potential strike and lock-out action but only once strike and picketing rules have been agreed between all the parties and in the absence of such agreement, imposed by the CCMA.

Once strike and picketing rules have been finalised, NUMSA will still be legally obliged to serve 48 hours’ notice of its intention to participate in protected strike action. SEIFSA in response, has already complied with all the legal obligations necessary in order to reserve the right of member companies, who may elect to lock-out striking employees.

To date strike and picketing rules have not been finalised and no formal 48 hour notice has been served. Importantly, SEIFSA, through the duly appointed Main Agreement Negotiating Team is continuing to test and explore all possible settlement possibilities.

We have now become aware through various communiques doing the rounds in the industry, that following the convening of the NUMSA National Shop Stewards Council and a Special National Executive Committee (NEC) that took place over the weekend, a decision was taken that strike action will commence on 5 October 2021.

In the light of this latest development, members are once again urged to plan for the worst case scenario and ensure that adequate stock, material, enhanced security etc. are in place. We will immediately advise the membership the moment we receive formal notice of strike action.

If it becomes inevitable that strike action will materialise, we will immediately on receipt of the formal 48 hours’ notice of intended strike action, circulate the requisite company lock-out and shut-out letters.

We will continue to keep all members fully informed as developments unfold.