The 71st SEIFSA Golf Day

SEIFSA is proud to have once again hosted another successful day of networking, building relationships and sharing ideas on the greens. The 71ST annual Golf Day was held on 17 September 2021 at the Reading Golf Club in Alberton, Johannesburg.

The oversubscribed event was attended by a diverse group of SEIFSA stakeholders, including the senior leaderships and owners of some of SEIFSA member companies and was a resounding success. It was fun-filled day with a dose of healthy competition as the four-member golf teams competed for the highest score over 18 holes.

This year, the prestigious SL Hodgson Memorial Trophy went to Sanlam Investment Management, who were the first-prize winners of our golf tournament.

The second prize went to Momotheka OHS Training, with the third prize going to CBi Electric Telecom Cables.

This year we also invited the RMA enterprise Supplier Development Programme beneficiaries to showcase their products. These include BWI Technologies, The Danchi Group, MMJP Logistics, Alcutech and Majongozi Carriers.

We extend our gratitude to our sponsors for helping us host yet another exciting day of golfing fun!


Well done to the winning team and thank you to all golfers, sponsors and guests for ensuring another phenomenal 2021 SEIFSA GOLF DAY.

Winning four ball: Sanlam Investment Management (Pty) Ltd 104 points

Second place four ball: Momotheka OHS Training 103 points

Third place four ball: CBi Electric Telecom Cables (Pty) Ltd 95 points


Well done to the winning team and thank you to all golfers, sponsors and guests for ensuring another phenomenal 2021 SEIFSA GOLF DAY.

Winning four ball: Sanlam Investment Management (Pty) Ltd 104 points

Second place four ball: Momotheka OHS Training 103 points

Third place four ball: CBi Electric Telecom Cables (Pty) Ltd 95 points