Well-attended regional breakfast roadshows strengthen SEIFSA and member companies’ relations in a crucial negotiations year

Well-attended regional breakfast roadshows strengthen SEIFSA and member companies’ relations in a crucial negotiations year

As all employers in the sector know, 2017 is a crucial year for the metals and engineering sector. It is a year when negotiations on wages and conditions of employment will take place ahead of the expiry in June 2017 of the three-year Settlement Agreement reached in 2014.

The Federation has held several welcomed roadshows by way of breakfast sessions with member companies in which the SEIFSA team, including its executives, unpacked the wage negotiations and the State of the Metals and Engineering Sector Report 2017/2018.

“We have held regional roadshows on the East Rand, the West Rand, the Midrand area, Johannesburg and the Vaal Triangle to talk about the SEIFSA membership value proposition – and we have seen companies appreciate this outreach. Some of the roadshows have had in excess of 100 company representatives attend,” said SEIFSA CEO Kaizer Nyatsumba. The successful roadshows were in addition to meetings with leaders of companies regarding maintaining and sustaining relationships with them.