As expected at approximately 16:15 yesterday NUMSA officially served notice of strike action against the SEIFSA affiliated Associations, NEASA, SAEFA and the CEO.

A copy of the formal notice is attached which confirms that the strike will commence at 05:00 on Tuesday, 5 October, with a march to Metal Industries House in the CBD, with marches also expected in the Cape and KZN.

SEIFSA on behalf of the Associations will soon be responding with a formal notice of lock-out in response to the strike, thereby reserving the right of the membership to implement a lock-out, should a company wish to do so.

In the interim, SEIFSA, through the duly appointed Negotiating Team is continuing to explore all possible settlement possibilities with organised labour in an endeavour to limit the damage industrial action will inflict on the sector.

However, in light of the fact that the action on Tuesday next week will proceed, we once again urge all members to take all necessary precautions and plan for the worst case scenario which we will be doing our utmost to mitigate.

We will continue to keep all members fully informed as developments unfold.